Saturday, May 14, 2011

Making Sure I Don't Miss A Thing ...

I was inspired late last night to create a new art print. It was my 3 year old's birthday so it was a full day.  My husband and I took him along with his two teenage sisters to a park to have a picnic.  It was simple, quiet and everything it should have been.   I am sure many of you can relate, but I am guilty sometimes of being that over-busy mommy, running around on a frequency one can't possibly sustain. I have a much better ability in the past few years to enjoy my days and not stress over details like I used to.  I feel like I now notice all the sunrises and sunsets.  It is really lovely to be fully present in the moment.

Wishing you all, a lovely day in which you get to stop for a moment.....breathe and notice something lovely around you.



  1. Hi Carrie,
    I didn't even realize you had a blog till I saw your giveaway on UCreate. I look forward to following your blog.
    I love my Take Time to Do Things that Make My Heart Sing print. I have it up above my pantry door. Some day I will try to take a photo of it and send it to you.
    Karen G

  2. Hello Karen!
    So nice to hear from you. Yes, take a picture of your print and I'll post it here on my blog!

    So glad you like your print. That is one of my favorites.

